
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
18 Aug 2018

The meeting was called to order by Pres. Kim Neibauer at 10:40 AM.

Twenty-three members were present. Don Huckeby from Chapter 1373 was our guest.

Treasurer Ken Hurt reported a balance of $3,965.78 in checking, and $25.01, savings.

July meeting minutes were read by Sterling Hurst and were approved by the members.

Member Don Coleman announced he was planning an auction of equipment in September and suggested the chapter might be interested in providing refreshments for sale to attendees for a fundraiser.

YE coordinator Michelle Hobbs reminded us of the October Young Eagle Flights. October 20 was selected as the date after some discussion. Our usual meeting will be moved to October 13 th , the second Saturday. Detailed plans will be made at our September 15 meeting. Sterling will check with EAA1373 to see if they would like to do a joint meeting.

The remainder of the meeting involved the Chapter’s assistance with Eddie Clements’ memorial service on Saturday, September 25 at 5 PM at Mack Mesa Airport. Eddies family has asked that EAA800 manage ground control for the service.

Meeting adjourned at 11:20 am for another delicious lunch prepared by the Hurts.


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