
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
16 Apr 2016

President Kim Neibauer called our meeting to order at 10:10 AM in Ladd’s hangar at Mack Mesa Airport. There were 18 members present plus two fathers and their sons interested in the Hawk Build program.

Minutes of the March meeting were approved as read with a motion and second. Treasurer’s report: Ken had the figures with him for last month and this one: $1304.67 and $1648.67 respectively and $25.01 in savings. He expressed appreciation that donations in March covered food expenses for the first time in several months. His report was approved as given with a motion and second.

Old Business: A reminder was given about securing housing for Oshkosh if you are attending this year. The information from Ripon College that was forwarded with the meeting notice is one option. We would like to have a count of those that will be attending.

HAWK Aviators update: the Dakota Hawk is close to ready. The donated prop arrived. Eddie Clement, Hawk’s Master Procurement Officer, arranged donation of a crush plate the proper thickness and bolts. Kids’ ground school lessons are underway. Classes are on the 2 nd & 4 th Saturdays from 10 to 11 AM in the Hawk Aviators’ office. Interested adults are also invited. Braden Hobbs had his first flight lesson in the Piper 140 with CFII Sterling Hurst last Saturday.

New Business: EAA 800 will sell meals from Friday supper through Saturday supper as a fundraiser at the Mack Mesa Fat Tire Jamboree Fly-In on May 20-21. We will have our May meeting on the 14th and will need volunteers for helping with the four meals ready to sign up. UPDATE: We will only be doing Saturday’s 3 meals, so come help us with those three and enjoy the day at the Jamboree!

Sun & Fun: Don Coleman and Jerry Friedman both attended Sun & Fun in Lakeland FL in early April. They each shared their experiences and thoughts about the event. Jerry explained in mind boggling detail about ADS-B In and Out radio/GPS/FAA systems and near future requirements.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:34 for a lunch of burgers and brats and hangar talk.

Our next meeting will be on May 14, the second Saturday instead of the third because of the Fat Tire Jamboree. Details to come!


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