
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
21 March 2015

The meeting held at West Star Aviation at KGJT and was opened at 10:05 by Syndi Jochums.

No Guests were present.

Danny Brown from West Star Aviation took us on a tour of West Star Aviation after the meeting.

February's minutes were read and approved.

Treasurers Report:
$25 savings, $ 1630.36 checking, $ 100 petty cash
This includes $250 donated by Ridge Electrical and $243 from candy sales.

Young Eagles report was given by Barb Friedman. We need pilots and ground crew our the April 18th rally. Sterling will check with Chapter 1373, as we can always rely on some of their members to help us with a successful day. We have two pilots so far. Barb has insurance set up through EAA National for the event. Curtis with Crestone will be there with the flight simulator and may be able to provide us with an airplane and pilot.

Don Coleman is making more parts for rib making.

Brian reported for HAWK society:
  501C3 should be set in 2 weeks
  Insurance estimated at about $2500 / yr, need more details.
  15 youth at any one time (insurance requirement)
  We need a plan on how to move youth through training
  Hawk airplane is progressing, hope to fly to Oshkosh.

Next EAA Chapter 800 meeting will be on April 11 at the Mack Mesa Airport. Young Eagles Rally will be April 18th.

We still have about 30 candy bars for sale.

We are still waiting for Beegles to pick up Comanche and pay. The check for the engine has been received.

Thanks to Dave for setup help.

Eddie reported that the donated generator was sold for $90
The engine camshaft sent in for repair is done.
The C85 camshaft failed, but is repairable and should be worth around $500
We are going to see if West Star Aviation can magnaflux the steel parts.
The Mags are throwaway, we may be able to get new mags donated by Slick.
There will be a HAWK meeting at Mack after lunch. 2:00.

T-shirts are available for those who sold Candy Bars.

We are still looking for a certified airplane to be donated for youth flight instruction.

HAWK dues will be $25/yr for EAA members and $35 for others.

Those interested will gather at the Village Inn for lunch after the West Star Aviation tour.

Meeting closed at 10:30 and all went on the West Star Aviation tour.


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