
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
21 July 2012

The meeting was called to order at 10:20 AM by the Co-President, Sterling Hurst in the EAA Hanger at Mack Mesa Airport.

Several visitors/new members were welcomed:

The minutes for the June meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer reported that we have $1462 in our account. T shirts are still selling and it is time to order more. Some different colors will be available next time.

Syndi announced that the next Young Eagles Day will be Saturday, September 29th. Pilots and ground crew volunteers should mark this date on their calendars.

Several members had attended the Rifle Airshow and commented what a nice, well run event it is. Pilots in the Rifle area are interested in setting up an EAA Chapter and participating with us in Young Eagles.

The GJ Airshow is 21-23 September. EAA 800 will have a booth. Experimental aircraft are needed for display. Ross Talbot may be able to help finding a canopy or two for the Booth. Sterling will check and see if we will have power at the location. It will be a good opportunity to sign up Young Eagles for September.

Syndi reported that the Chapter talked about Young Eagles at a recent "Flying After Hours" at Colorado Flight Center. There were about 25 people in attendance and the talk was well received.

The floor was opened for members to talk about their airplanes and flying experiences.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 for hamburgers and hot dogs.


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