
EAA 800 Meeting Minutes
16 Jul 2011

The meeting was called to order at 10:30 AM by the President, Dennis Crawford in Ladd's hanger at Mack Mesa Airport.

The minutes from the June meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer reported that we have $1510. in our account.

Steve Lindemann reported that the website has been updated with more member's projects/aircraft.

Sterling and several other members commented on their experience at the Rifle airport airshow. The consensus was that it was a very well conducted event and was free.

Several guests were introduced:

A lot of discussion revolved around the fence/gate issues going on at GJT airport. Several members tried to summarize what has happened and the current status and how that effects EAA 800 activities continuing at GJT. It was suggested at the June meeting that the Chapter consider moving to Mack Mesa Airport and the pros and the cons of that were discussed. After much discussion, it was decided to take a vote of present members to see who wanted to move to Mack and follow up by contacting absent members for their vote. The members present voted unanimously to Move to Mack. The results of the voting will be reported on the website as soon as they are available.

Steve discussed the September Young Eagle's Day. He will work with Ladd to set up safe procedures to use at Mack since access to the airport and runway are different than some airports. In addition, Ladd and Steve will contact 4H kids to see how much interest there is in Young Eagles. Steve also discussed that he was working to help some pilots in Eagle, Colorado to conduct a YE Day. They do not have an EAA Chapter there and Steve is working to provide them supervisory help. Members are needed to help and the details are on the website.

The September meeting will be a joint meeting with Chapter 1373 and will be held the second Saturday of September at Crawford. Details will be outlined on the website.

If the Chapter moves to Mack, it was discussed to give Dag some money for the use of his hanger at GJT. The members voted to give him $150 compensation.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:30AM for lunch.


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